Monday, August 2, 2021

You could die by catching cold

After 18mths of speculation by the media and politicians about the origin and possible impact of Coronaviruses , it seems to me now as it did 18 months ago that the  panic unjustified  and attempts to control it unreasonable .
The media get in a panic about  many things very often and I as a risk assessor have my hands full trying to keep my balance about the few things i can claim some knowledge of ( Fire ) .
In a strange paradox governments have never seemed to the public more important and that certainly appeals to "the leper colony "

Ebola  panic got out of hand not that long ago when its etiology was known and its control within reasonable general practice , What's going on ? Today is 3rd August 2021 
Maybe the panic is about many of the baby boomers who are going to die soon? Me  included A bit of projection and failure to face judgement time .  

Some 50 years ago in micro we were taught that coronaviruses were notoriously prone to change. By the time you were 60 you had antibodies to 6 different variants . Higher comorbidities in 2020's are to be expected because so many more people are immunocompromised?

If what they say about Herd immunity in UK is widely accepted , it may mean a big rethink in Australia?  I am saying if  we still don't know the structural changes , the whole value of vaccines can be questioned - the same issue the medical profession had with them 50 years ago . Again I am no expert . 

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Housecrushing Landslides in the Otways

Despite the warning signs written all over Australias Biggest coronial enquiry ( Thredbo). the Bracks goverment turned back the clock and adopted the NSW failed model in 2005 ( private block by block review and EIS review ).
In doing so the very well funded planning agencies (DPI , DSE, CMA )talked more about the problems than they set about to prevent them . They rejected the system that worked to protect australias biggest land slide risk area for over 30 years . Despite many protests to these agencies , the vic government took on the nsw failed model and refused to continue to fund the role of a preventative water and soil conservationist.